काठमाडौं । चलचित्र उद्योगमा प्रवेश गरेपछि नेपाली नायिकाहरूले आफ्नो विगत र विगतको नामसमेत परिवर्तन गनर्ु नय"" कुरा होइन । पूजा प्रधान पूजना बन्नु, पूजा रिजाल पि्रया बन्नु अथवा यमुना उप्रेती युना उप्रेती बन्नु फिल्म इन्डस्टि्रजका लागि नया" होइन । यस्तै भीडमा नया" नायिकाको प्रवेश भएको छ चलचित्र जंगल क्विनमाफत जेनिशा खड्काको । नेपाली फिल्मी उद्योगका अधिकांश नायिकाहरूको विगत कुनै न कुनै रूपमा विवादित छ । कोही फिल्म खेल्न थालेपछि श्रीमान्रबाट अलग हुन्छन् र आफूलार्इ अविवाहित दाबी गर्छन् भनें कोही आफ्नो धरातल बिर्सन्छन् । यस्तै चलचित्र जंगल क्विनकी नायिका जेनिशा खड्काले त आफ्नो नाममात्र परिवर्तन गरिनन्, आफ्नो विगतको काम मेटाउनका लागि आफूलार्इ नै परिवर्तन गरेकी छिन् । पाठकव ृन्द, तपार्इंहरूले अचेल चलचित्र जंगल क्विनको पोस्टर विभिन्न भित्तामा टा"सिएको देख्नुभएको होला । त्यहा" एउटी युवतीले आफ्नो नग्न शरीर हरिया पातहरूले ढाकेकी छिन् । यदि तपार्इंहरूले यी युवतीको अनुहार राम्रोस"ग हेनर्ुभयो भने, उनलार्इ पहिले पनि कही" देखेको अनुभूति हुनसक्छ । नहोस् पनि किन ? कमेडी गायक प्रकाश ओभmाको करिअर नै ड्यामेज हुने घटनाकी जिउ"दो पात्र नै तिनै हुन् । अब त तपार्इंहरूले बुभिसक्नुभयो होला, चलचित्र जंगल क्विनकी नायिका जेनिशा उनै ज्योति खड्का हु्न् जसको ब्mलु फिल्म तीन वर्ष्ाअघि नै सार्वजनिक भएको थियो । सुनसरीकी ज्योति खड्का नायिका बन्ने धुनमा विभिन्न पुरुष्ाहरूको सम्पर्कमा पुगिन् र यसैत्रmममा उनले सर्वांग भएर फोटोसेसन गनर्ेमात्र होइन, यौनसम्पर्कमा लिप्त भएको भिडिओसमेत खिचाइन् । त्यही भिडिओ पनि प्रकाश ओभmाका प्रतिस्पर्धी शिशिर सुवेदी भन्नेले बाहिर ल्याए र त्यो भिडिओको पुरुष्ा प्रकाश ओभmा भएको दाबी गरे । यद्यपि, त्यो भिडिओ अहिले पनि बजारमा पाइन्छ, त्यसमा देखिने युवती ज्योति खड्का उफ हालकी जंगल क्विन जेनिशा हुन् भन्ने प्रस्ट देखिन्छ भने पुरुष्ाको अनुहार देखिएको छैन । तर, त्यो ब्लु फिल्ममा जेनिशा उफ ज्योति खड्काले क्यामेरातिर हेर्दै हा"स्दै यौनसम्बन्धमा लिप्त भएको द ृश्य विभिन्न आसनमा छायांकन गरिएको छ । उनले आफ्नो विगतलार्इ ढाक्न खोजे पनि ढा"टेको कुरा काटेर मिल्दैन भनेजस्तै उनको अनुहारमात्र होइन, अनुहारमा रहेको कोठीले पनि ब्लु फिल्मकी नायिका ज्योति खड्का र जंगल क्विनकी नायिका जेनिशा खड्का एकै हुन् भन्ने कुराको पुष्टि हुन्छ । ब्लु फिल्म खेल्नेले अरू फिल्म खेल्न हु"दैन भन्ने कही" पनि छैन । उनी यदि परिबन्धमै परेर पहिले त्यस्तो कर्ममा लागेकी भए पनि अहिले उनले आफूलार्इ नया" ढंगबाट प्रस्तुत गर्न पाउनुपर्छ । तर आफ्नो पहिचानलार्इ नै अस्वीकार गनर्ुचाहि" अवश्य पनि ठीक होइन । त्यसो त, जंगल क्विन देखाउने त्रmममा केही हलमा रात्रिकालीन शोमा चलचित्रको बीचबीचमा जेनिशा उफ ज्योतिको यौनसम्पर्कको भिडिओ पनि देखाइने गरेको चर्चासमेत चलेको छ । यद्यपि यसको पुष्टि भएको छैन ।यो चलचित्रमा जेनिशा उफ ज्योति जंगल क्विनको भूमिकामा देखिएकी छिन् । चलचित्रको कथाअनुसार विदेशबाट सञ्चालित जंगली जनावरका तस्करहरूका विरुद्ध सिंगो पुलिसफोर्स लागेको हुन्छ । एकजना इमानदार पुलिस अफिसर एकदिन आफ्नो श्रीमती र छोरीसित जंगलमा घुम्न गएका हुन्छन् । तस्करहरूस"गको भmगडामा पुलिस अफिसरलार्इ श्रीमतीसहित मारेपछि टुहुरी बनेकी अबोध बालिकालार्इ तस्करहरूले जंगलमै फालिदिन्छन् । अलपत्र सो बालिकालार्इ एक वनमान्छेले भेटेपछि वनमान्छेकै सहारामा हुर्किन्छिन् एक 'जंगल क्विन' । वनमान्छेस"ग रूख चढ्ने, डोरीमा भmुन्डिने, पहरामा चढ्ने आदि कुराहरू त्यो बालिकाले सिक्दछे । त्यही जंगल क्विन बाह्र वर्ष्ापछि जवान हुन्छे र जंगलमा बा"दर, हात्ती तथा वनमान्छेस"ग जंगलका कन्दमूल खा"दै जंगली जनावरभmंै एक जनावरको रूपमा प्रतिविम्बित हुन्छिन् । उता, तस्करहरूको समूहले वनमान्छे र त्यो जंगल क्विनलार्इ देखेपछि डलर कमाउने आसमा त्यो वनमान्छेलार्इ समाएर विदेश पठाउने र त्यो केटी को हो ? पत्ता लगाउन एउटा ठूलो समूह जंगलमा पठाएको हुन्छ । तस्करहरूका विरुद्धमा परिचालित प्रहरी बल एकपछि अर्को गर्दै असफल बन्दै गएपछि प्रहरीले नया" योजनासहित प्रहरीको एक समूह जंगल पठाउ"छ । तस्करहरूको खोजीकै त्रmममा प्रहरी बल प्रमुखको अचानक त्यो जंगल क्विनस"ग भेट हुन्छ, तर त्यो जंगल क्विन मानवीय भाष्ाा बुभिm्छन् । यहा"नेर केही अस्वाभाविक द ृश्य लाग्दछ, 'तिमी बोल्न सक्छौ ? तिमी बोलेको बुभm्छौ ? आदि प्रश्न गर्दा जंगल क्विनले बोल्न सक्दिन र बोलेको बुभिm्दन" भनेको आशयलार्इ टाउको हल्लाएर जनाएकी छिन् । बोलेकै नबुभm्नेले कसरी टाउको हल्लाएर संकेत गर्न सक्छिन् । यसरी नै कथा अघि बढ्दै जा"दा तस्करको समूहमाथि जंगल क्विन र प्रहरीले विजय हासिल गर्दछन् र चलचित्र जंगल क्विन समाप्त हुन्छ ।
Sunday, October 25, 2009
पलङमा सुताएपछि नायिकाको बबाल
काठमाडौं । सागरसरि चोखो माया तिमीलाई दिऊ"ला भन्ने लोकप्रिय गीतस"गै एउटी सुन्दरीको अनुहार नेपाल चलचित्रप्रेमीहरूको दिमागमा झल्किन्छ । ती सुन्दरी नायिका हुन् चलचित्र सिलसिलाबाट उदाएकी सोनिया केसी । एउटै चलचित्रबाट चर्चामा पुगेकी नायिका सोनिया अहिले चलचित्र नपाएर पनि चर्चाको शिखरमा पुगेकी छिन् । चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा नायिका र निर्माताहरूस"गको अफेयर र यौन सम्बन्धका चर्चा कुनै नया" विषय होइनन् । निर्देशक र नायिकाहरूबीचका सम्बन्धले पनि खासै अर्थ राख्दैनन् । तर जब नायिका सोनियाले आफूमाथि बलात्कारको प्रयास भएको भनेर उजुरी दिइन्, त्यसपछि भने चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा केही दिन खैलाबैला नै मच्चियो । नायिका सोनिया केसीले आफूलाई निर्देशक सुरेशदर्पण पोखरेलले बलात्कार प्रयास गरेको भनेर अनामनगर प्रहरीमा उजुरी दिएपछि प्रहरीले पोखरेललाई पक्राउ गरेको थियो । तर पोखरेलले 'विगतमा सहमतिमै यौनसम्बन्ध भएको र पछिल्लो समयमा उनले आफू कार्यरत चलचित्रका गोप्य कुराहरू मेरा दुस्मन रोज राणालाई लगेर सुनाएकाले चलिचित्रबाट निकालेको झोक मात्र फेरेकी हुन्' भन्ने आशयको बयान दिएपछि नायिका केसी कालो-नीलो भएको प्रत्यक्षदर्शीहरूले बताए । शरीरमा कपडा नलगाई फोटो खिचेर चर्चामा आएकी ग्ल्यामरस नायिका सोनिया सिलसिलामा नायकस"ग टङकिस गरेर थप चर्चामा आएकी थिइन् भने पछिल्लो समयमा निर्माता एवं नायक रोज राणाको गर्लपmेन्ड बनेकी छिन् ।सिलसिलामा राम्रो अभिनय गरेकी हुनाले रोज राणा आफ्नो दुस्मन भए पनि निर्देशक पोखरेलले सोनियालाई कसलाई दिऊ" यो जोबन नामक चलचित्रमा काम गर्ने मौका दिएका थिए । तर सोनियाले चलचित्र युनियनका गोप्य कुराहरू लगेर रोजलाई सुनाउने तथा रोजस"गका मोजमस्तीमा सुटिङलाई नै बेवास्ता गर्न थालेपछि अनुशासन भंग गरेको भन्दै पोखरेलले सो चलचित्रबाट उनलाई निकालेका थिए । सो कुरा बाहिर आएपछि सोनियाले विभिन्न ठाउ"मा गएर सुरेशदर्पणले आफूलाई यौनसम्बन्ध राख्ने प्रस्ताव गरेको तर आफूले नमानेपछि यौन दर्ुर्व्यवहार गर्दै फिल्मबाट निकालेको आरोप लगाएकी थिइन् । त्यतिमात्र होइन, सोनियाले आफूलाई सुरेशले बूढानीलकण्ठमा बोलाएर ड्रेस चेन्ज गर्ने बहानामा पलङमा सुताएको भन्दै प्रहरीमा उजुरी दिएपछि सुरेशले एक टेलिभिजन अन्तर्वार्तामा 'यदि मैले उनलाई यौन दर्ुर्व्यवहार गरेको हो भने प्रहरीमा उजुरी गर्न गए हुन्छ' भनेका थिए । सोही आधारमा सोनियाले यौन दर्ुर्व्यवहार भएको २५ दिनपछि मात्र प्रहरीमा उजुरी हाले पनि पछि सुरेशदर्पणका पक्षधर केही चलचित्र पत्रकारहरूले प्रहरी चौकीमै गएर 'सुत्ने बेलामा रोज राणा र सुरेशदर्पणस"ग पालो गरी-गरी सुत्ने, अहिले आएर निर्देशकलाई मात्रै फसाउने -' भन्दै होहल्ला गरेपछि मिलापत्रमा यौनशोषणाको केस टुंगिएको चर्चा चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा चलेको छ । हुन त, चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा नायिका र निर्माता/निर्देशकहरूबीचको यौनसम्बन्ध खासै समाचारको विषय बन्दैन । दीपक श्रेष्ठ र युना उप्रेतीको कुरा होस् वा शोभित बस्नेत र रेजिना उप्रेतीको खुला यौनसम्बन्धको कुरा होस् अथवा नरेश पौडेल र अरुणिमा लम्सालकै कुरा किन नहोस्, यी सबै कुरालाई सो क्षेत्रका मानिसले पचाइसकेका छन् । यौनसम्बन्धविना बा"च्नै सक्दिन" भनेर र्सार्वजनिक रुपमै भन्ने रेजिना उप्रेती र रोज राणा गुन्डागर्दीको आरोपमा प्रहरी खोरमा परेपछि अर्धपागल बनेकी सोनिया केसीबीच कुनै भिन्नता नरहेको चलचित्र पत्रकारहरू बताउ"छन् । केही समयअघि ममता प्रधान नामकी नायिकाले आफूलाई यौनसम्बन्धको प्रस्ताव राखेको खुलासा गरेर चर्चामा आएजस्तै सोनियाले पनि विगतमा सहमतिमा भएका सम्बन्धलाई अहिले आएर यौनशोषण भनेर चर्चामा आउन खोजेको आरोप पनि उनका आलोचकहरूले लगाएका छन् । यदि सा"च्चिकै यौन दर्ुर्व्यवहार गरिएको हो भने उनले कानुनअनुसार कारबाही गराउने बाटो किन त्यागिन् भन्ने प्रश्न उठेको छ । -२०६६ भदौ १ गतेको सांघु साप्ताहिकबाट
Karishma Manandhar
She had no plans to become an actor, no ambitions. She always set her mind free and looked forward to all that came her way.“Accidentally,” says the prominent actress Karishma Manandhar how she came to Nepali silver screen. But once she made the entry, she left behind all other actresses; and after giving superb performances in blockbusters like “Truck Driver”, “Manakamana”, “Allare”, “Ajambari Maya” and “Papi Manchhe”, she knew what she truly wanted to do – to become an actor. In no time, the lady with the seductive eyes, Manandhar awed audiences and became a sought-after face in Nepali films.After doing over a hundred films, she tried her hands in filmmaking. Manandhar did not want to follow the traditional way of making films in Nepal – “wrap it up within the budget of three million Rupees.” She dared to invest handsomely, expecting to give a new direction to Nepali filmmaking. Ironically, even after investing some eight million Rupees on “Babu Saheb”, the film tanked, driving the heroine to frustration. She wanted to say goodbye to Nepali films, and because she had invested the money together with her husband, producer Binod Manandhar, the commercial loss sparked misunderstandings in her married life, too. She left for America.Finally, after three years in the States, one of Nepal’s leading heroines has come home. She is, in fact, making her comeback in director Dipak Shrestha’s upcoming film “Ho Yahi Maya Ho” wherein she plays the lead with Rajesh Hamal.
Don't call it my comeback, I'm starting from zero: Karishma AVASH KARMACHARYAShe had no plans to become an actor, no ambitions. She always set her mind free and looked forward to all that came her way.“Accidentally,” says the prominent actress Karishma Manandhar how she came to Nepali silver screen. But once she made the entry, she left behind all other actresses; and after giving superb performances in blockbusters like “Truck Driver”, “Manakamana”, “Allare”, “Ajambari Maya” and “Papi Manchhe”, she knew what she truly wanted to do – to become an actor. In no time, the lady with the seductive eyes, Manandhar awed audiences and became a sought-after face in Nepali films.After doing over a hundred films, she tried her hands in filmmaking. Manandhar did not want to follow the traditional way of making films in Nepal – “wrap it up within the budget of three million Rupees.” She dared to invest handsomely, expecting to give a new direction to Nepali filmmaking. Ironically, even after investing some eight million Rupees on “Babu Saheb”, the film tanked, driving the heroine to frustration. She wanted to say goodbye to Nepali films, and because she had invested the money together with her husband, producer Binod Manandhar, the commercial loss sparked misunderstandings in her married life, too. She left for America.Finally, after three years in the States, one of Nepal’s leading heroines has come home. She is, in fact, making her comeback in director Dipak Shrestha’s upcoming film “Ho Yahi Maya Ho” wherein she plays the lead with Rajesh Hamal.In an interview with Republica yesterday, Karishma explained why she left showbiz, talked about her priorities, and clarified the controversies that hit the papers in her absence, about big screen business in Nepal, and what next in her career.Excerpts:Republica: Many thought you would never come back to the industry…KM: Firstly, I never left the industry. It’s human nature that one’s mind gets diverted for sometime. The rebel inside me took me to the US. Now I’m over that phase.Rumors had it that it was because of the commercial loss of “Babu Saheb” that made you leave the industry and settle abroad.I can’t deny that. See, when you put your all on something and hope for the best, what happens to you when you don’t get anything in return? My husband and I invested a lot in the film. It was obvious for me to be frustrated.In that case, do you blame the audience for not understanding your approach?No, not at all. I must admit I’m to be blamed for all what happened. Maybe I couldn’t understand the market during that time.
You were already an established actor in Nepal before you left for America. Tell us about you stay there. What did you do there and how did Nepalis in the States respond to you?In America, I was an ordinary human being. At times, I was a makeup person, the next I was a salesperson. It’s just work that matters in the end. I knew many Nepalis in the States who found it surprising to see me doing things. But I was prepared. Of course, I was nobody there. But that wasn’t a bad experience, either.Most of the heroines that you worked with, like Jal Shah, Kristi Mainali, and Niruta Singh, are no more in this business. Does that make you to feel alone?Look, what people don’t understand is irrespective of being professionals, we all have our personal lives, and at one point, we have to set our priorities in life. Kristi chose her children instead of her profession, and she’s a wonderful homemaker now. Jal Shah is also busy with her personal matters, and I suppose Niruta is doing the same. At one point, my priorities were different, too.
With new actors in demand now, does that bring you a fear for your comeback?No. Honestly speaking, I’m looking forward to work with them. I’m keen on working with new directors as they may have better visions on making better films. The entry of new actors isn’t a big deal. However, the time has come to ask why the audiences still want to see Rajesh Hamal, Bhuwan KC and other old actors. This makes it transparent that the newcomers haven’t made much big difference to the industry. What I’ve seen is, the new actors are often in rush to do more films now. There’s no struggle. All that they look for is a break in a film, some five interviews in the local dailies, and their close-ups on a few television channels. But instant popularity isn’t lasting.By the way, this is not my comeback. I’m starting from zero again.Niruta Singh once said that it’s for 12 to 13 years that a hero and heroine can do lead roles. After that it’s time to play side roles.
In these many years, what difference did you find in Nepal’s celluloid?I don’t know many in the industry. Gone are the days when there used to be just a few films released in a year and they were successful. Now there are dozens. The quantity is up but the quality has gone down. But it’s good to see high-definition cameras being introduced though it’s sad we’re still following the 1990s marketing strategies.Getting a little personal now, it was reported that your relationship with you husband was on the rocks and that was another reason why you didn’t want to come back.Well…there are many ups and downs in one’s life. Yes, we misunderstood each other. In married life, it’s common to disagree. If you’re talking about physical relationship, yes, we sort of broke up but we always respected each other’s priorities. We’re still together and give each other space.So what next in you career? Can we be sure that the rebel in you won’t make you quit again?[Laughs] I can’t say right now. But it won’t be a permanent goodbye to Nepali cinema. Now that audiences want to see me, I’ll be doing more films, music videos and documentaries.
Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal
Namrata Shrestha is in the top of news these days with the release of her latest movie “Mero Euta Saathi Chha”. I haven’t seen the movie yet but I have heard that it is a cocktail of Hollywood, Bollywood and Korean movies. She has shown her acting potential in her last movie “Sano Sansar”.
This post is not about her acting or movies but about a 8 minutes long video circulating in web recently. I am not much sure, but the dimple of the girl on the video resembles that of Namrata. The girl in the video seems to be well skilled in what she was doing. Although the couple are talking in English it sounds pretty much like Nepali ascent. The girl, although looking a bit drunk, is well aware of the video recording as the flash lights are turned on. At some point she tells “turn it off please…. its disturbing”.
Please see the screenshot from video and compare with the original photo of Namrata. Do you think it is Namrata? If the latest scandal proves to be true she is supposed to be on headline for quite some time.
I hope the video is not a fabricated one to defame the aspiring artist.
This post is not about her acting or movies but about a 8 minutes long video circulating in web recently. I am not much sure, but the dimple of the girl on the video resembles that of Namrata. The girl in the video seems to be well skilled in what she was doing. Although the couple are talking in English it sounds pretty much like Nepali ascent. The girl, although looking a bit drunk, is well aware of the video recording as the flash lights are turned on. At some point she tells “turn it off please…. its disturbing”.
Please see the screenshot from video and compare with the original photo of Namrata. Do you think it is Namrata? If the latest scandal proves to be true she is supposed to be on headline for quite some time.
I hope the video is not a fabricated one to defame the aspiring artist.
'Naina Resham' Vs 'Rakshak'
Both 'Naina Resham' and 'Rakshak' have been released at various cinema halls outside the valley on the auspicious occasion of Tihar festival simultaneously. The movies seem to battle with each other for good business in box office. Naina Resham starring Biraj Bhatt and Nisha Adhikari is a romance film based on love-story. It is produced by Amitjung Rana. The other cast are Dinesh D.C., Ganesh Upreti, Basundhara Bhusal, and Madan Das Shrestha among others.
Another action movie 'Rakshak' starring same hero Biraj Bhatta made at Sanu Shrestha's direction is giving a tough challenge to 'Naina Resham' at Ghorahi and Tulsipur of Dang, and Nepalganj in alluring audience. Rajesh Hamal, Rekha Thapa, and Shubhechchha Thapa are among the cast in 'Rakshak'.
'Naina Resham' has come out well in its musical aspect while 'Rakshak' in action.
Another action movie 'Rakshak' starring same hero Biraj Bhatta made at Sanu Shrestha's direction is giving a tough challenge to 'Naina Resham' at Ghorahi and Tulsipur of Dang, and Nepalganj in alluring audience. Rajesh Hamal, Rekha Thapa, and Shubhechchha Thapa are among the cast in 'Rakshak'.
'Naina Resham' has come out well in its musical aspect while 'Rakshak' in action.
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